FP Days London 2014, November 20 and 21


I’m glad to be part of the organizing cabal behind FP Days London this year. I hope to have some time to go to sessions. I’ve programmed in Clojure, Scala and Haskell this year, and there’s something from all of that on the programme, and it’s cool to be able to find out more about languages I haven’t used in anger yet like F# and Erlang.

Someone who was there last year remarked that the athmosphere at FP Days is special - very friendly and participants are genuinely interested to find out and share what works and doesn’t work for a particular solution.

New this year is the mass pairing - a session where everybody gets to pair program with someone else in a language of their choice. We originally planned it for FP Days, and tried it out at /dev/summer, where it worked quite well. The mass pairing is a great way to get to know another participant better, while learning more about solving a small problem in the language you’re interested in. A great way to learn about a language you don’t know, or learn more about a language you already do.

Have a look at the programme. I hope to see you there!

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